How does our faith help us to be a better person?


How does our faith help us to be a good person?

This question is broad and multifaceted. It is an interesting question because conflicting world views or belief systems. There are reasons why people (at least the ones that do) strive to be good. Certain reasons might be selfish, while others altruistic. But every reason is supported by a world view or believe system and thus established on faith or trust at some level.

Importantly, all worldviews or belief systems have faith either in its foundation, structure, or its products. You see we all have or live by faith; the differentiator usually is our understanding of what faith is and faith in what or who?

What is faith? Faith from the Christian perspective is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith deems real, what it has not yet seen but hopes for and acts on with full confidence or assurance of its reality. So, the Bible in the following verse goes on to give examples of men who trusting in the word of the God they could not see took death defying actions based on their world view and belief system about God. In simplistic terms faith is trust in someone or something and taking corresponding action.

This is akin to people all over the world that have taken actions based on their world view and belief system whether in a God, man, science, book, advert, news article or nothing. I know I will be attacked here but cut me some slack and appreciate my point. Whether what you trust or believe in can be seen or not, you cannot touch, taste, see and proof everything that you take actions on. Love is one reason people strive to be good but has anyone seen, tasted, or touched love? No! It is based-on feelings yet divorced couples know feelings lie.

How does faith work? Faith or trust work is simple. We do it every day. When we go to see a doctor, fly a plane, wear masks, go bungee jumping, love someone, have kids, start a business, or simply live life. We essentially believe we will succeed or return home safe based on someone or something even though all these still fail every now and then. The differentiator again between whose faith works or fail is who or what you have faith in. In the Christian word-view we have faith in an infallible God and in His word. Other world views are different. Find your niche.

Consequently, what or who you have faith in should determine your actions or inactions. If you believe that climate change partially caused by pollution (I think I do) then you should be the nice guy that invests in clean energy etc. If you do not, then you distrust the data, or you have another world view. On the religious side, because of your faith in some god (hopefully it is a benevolent one), you should adhere to the tenets of that faith regarding helping people, feeding the poor, and other benevolent works.

Regarding the God of the Bible the fruits of the recreated human spirit outlined in Galatians 5:22 (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) should easily flow from adherents.

However, in certain instances they may not come easily. Why? Because of the existence and often internal struggle with existing or co-exiting world views in that person’s mind. No wonder Christians are instructed to not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. Romans 12:2 AMPC

On the flip side the same principle of conforming or non-conforming can be applied to any worldview with corresponding actions.

In conclusion, the Christian’s faith in the God that said pray for those that spitefully use you should encourage, compel, inspire and help the Christian live an excellent godly life that impacts the community positively. Without this compass we are left to act based on our selfish feelings, likes, taste, thinking and prejudices which leads to a world where more billions in dollars are being made than the number of hungry mouths being fed.

Book recommendation: Rediscovering Faith: Understanding the Nature of Kingdom Living by Dr. Myles Munroe or How To Make Your Faith Work by Chris Oyakhilome