TECH: Church in Virtual Reality


The physical location of the church today is no longer defined by its address. Increasingly, Churches are turning to online services and virtual reality services (VR) to minister to their local and global congregations because of the lockdown. While meeting in a physical location has been restricted, online services has increased especially in Nations with broadband internet.

Virtual reality indeed hold promises in diverse fields and may already have a strong foothold in the Church.  VR is popularly used for playing computer games. It is the technology that enable users immerse themselves in a computer-generated environment that seems astonishingly realistic. It is the use of computer technology for creating a simulated environment.

On these platforms, church services are held using virtual reality technology to argument the sight, sound and feel of the church. In this environment users have computer generated avatars and interact with themselves in a virtual church world for the duration of the service. presents VR platforms with tools like chatrooms, recreational rooms, and church services to its members completely in the virtual environment. It remains to be seen how successful they are, how beneficial this technology is to the church, its members and if these platforms are Spirit lead and are in adherence to the tenets of scripture?

Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 “and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations…”. The Greek word interpreted as nations in this verse is ethnos – group of people sharing a common bond, race, nationality, vocation, ideology, or culture. These words by Jesus may not have been possible without technology.  Virtual reality church services are now available. Are they the future of Church services?

