What are all the gifts of the Holy Spirit?


Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as his father (John 14:10). He promised the coming of the Holy Spirit before he left and emphasized what he will do in and with all those who believe (John chapters 14, 15, 16). The Holy Spirit came in Acts Chapter 2 and since then has been with and in all those who believe in Jesus Christ. He has a ministry in us and through us. His ministry in us and through us functions in diverse and amazing ways. As Father (to those who are born again by the power of the Holy Spirit), he has also given them spiritual gifts.

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The gifts of the Holy Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 are:

The word of Wisdom: This is the ability to speak and apply God’s wisdom in any situation. Understand that what we see is not always reality. Materialist may doubt this. But elementary physics lets us know that we ONLY see things based on the light that it reflects. So, if different type of lights reflects colors differently what then is the true color of an object. What is the true light? In the Christian world view Jesus Christ is the true light of the world that reveals the true color of any object, idea, philosophy, and opinion. Operating in wisdom means operating in, by and through His light.

The word of Knowledge: This is the ability to receive and speak divine insight into hidden mysteries or revealed truth and communicate understanding at the same time. It is the ability to know the hidden reality of a situation, subject, person, or place. If you have ever been under a teaching ministry and have complex spiritual truth revealed to and understood by listeners, be on notice that you just witnessed the operation of this gift.

The Gift of Faith: This is the ability to create and change situations with the Godkind of Faith. This faith is the wonder working kind. It does not struggle in practice or application. This faith is expressed in such a way that everyone is without doubt that the miracle was of God.

Prophecy: The ability to foretell – speak about future event yet to happen. It is also the ability to forthtell God’s divine will and plan – speak the revealed word of God to compel situations to fall in line with God’s plan for a season. They are for the furtherance, expansion, perfection, edification, and comfort of the body of Christ.

Discerning of spirits: The ability to look at someone, object or a situation and perceive the type of spirit at work. This gift with other gifts helps to distinguish sound, godly doctrine from the deceptive doctrine of man-made religions, ideologies, opinions, and cults. There is a permissive ignorance or denial of the fact that not all ideas are native to a person. Sometimes these ideas come from demonic spirits or from the Holy Spirit. Peter in rebuking Jesus about his coming death thought he was helping Jesus. But we see Jesus responding to the spirit behind Peter’s communication as the source and not Peter (Matthew 16:22-23).

Gift of healing: The ability to perform healing which are supernatural and cannot be explained medically. Note that though the healing cannot be medically explained the results can be confirmed medically.

Speaking in diverse tongues: Ability to speak in diverse tongues. Note that there are diverse tongues. Tongues of angels is mentioned as one type in 1 Corinthians 13:1. It could also mean ability to speak in different human languages for the furtherance of the gospel. There have been instances where a preacher has communicated in a language unknown to him or her prior to communicating the gospel to a native listener. Usually, they lose this ability after the gospel has been communicated.

Interpretation of tongues: This is the ability to interpret diverse tongues. The believer in this case can interpret tongues spoken by them or another person.

Power to perform diverse miracles: Ability to perform miracles. God using men to perform miracles did not seize with the apostles. This gift is still in operation today.

It is noteworthy that this list is inexhaustible. The Holy Spirit is unlimited and so are His gifts. There are gifts at work in the body of Christ that will be difficult to explain. These ones are better experienced than explained.

Additionally, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are different from Ministry Gifts (Apostle, Teacher, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist). The major difference is that while the gifts of the Holy Spirit can be received by faith-based desire (1 Corinthians 12:31, Romans 1:11), ministry gifts (Hebrew 5:4, Ephesians 4:11) are given by the sovereign will and selection of the Holy Spirit. In both gifts it is the Holy Spirit that gives the gifts.

Importantly, the Holy Spirit gives these gifts, you cannot force them out. Gifts are not elements or signs of superiority. They operate by love and are for service to and in the body of Christ. They are for edification and not for condemnation or misuse.

Believers already have these gifts but may not be using them or are not subjecting themselves to sound Christian training and so they remain dormant. A believer must not use these gifts. But, their Christian walk, understanding and expression will be enhanced if they function by love and have these gifts.

These gifts are operated by love! Not the human type of love that is based on self but the God kind of love that is selfless and liquid. Additionally, these gifts operate best under authority. The authority God has set in His Church. Not societal or governmental authority. When Christians who have these gifts do not submit themselves (be humbled) under authority they may lose the gift, abuse it, or lack the training required to maximize these gifts.

Lastly, love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind. These gifts are given by the Holy Spirit based on need and His will. In His time, He gives the gifts to those whom He qualifies for the edification of His Church.