Healing School – taking the healing power of God to the nations.


Jesus Christ is still healing people through his sons and daughters all over the world. The healing school hosts live and online sessions that minister to more than One billion viewers from different ministries. Several persons have testified of the healing power of God from these meetings, the online sessions and even the healing school magazine. Miracles still happen in the name of Jesus and thousands of testifiers and presented amazing testimonies of God’s faithfulness despite the challenge.

The Healing School is a healing ministry of Christ Embassy, aka LoveWorld and led Rev Chris Oyakhilome the healing school has the mandate to take divine healing to the nations.

Each year, the Healing School hosts Healing Sessions in Johannesburg, South Africa and Toronto, Canada, where thousands receive their healing and miracles in an atmosphere of faith and the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit.

Visiting ministers from around the world also come to the Healing School through the special Ministers’ Visitation Program, which affords them the opportunity to witness the miraculous works of the Spirit in our day.

The flagship TV program, “Enter the Healing School with Pastor Chris”, is viewed by millions on several satellite and terrestrial TV stations around the world, with testimonies of many receiving their healing and miracles while watching.

The healing school website offers unique features such as Video Testimonies, Online Magazines, Healing School Session Report, Divine Health Realities Audio Confessions, and lots more.