Being Born Again 101 – Book Recommendations
These are our recommended books. This is not an advertisement of these books or an endorsement of all its content. They are presented by...
Q and A Sessions: Are you prepared for the Rapture of the Church?
Pastor Chris Answers the Question - If a Christian on a Sunday plans not to go to church so that he can watch a...
Our Top Online Christian Resources
Online Christian resources have increased over the years in number and improved in depth. But are they all relevant to you or present you...
Our Top 10 Online Christian Resources
Online Christian resources have increased over the years in number and improved in depth. But are they all relevant to you or present you...
How to study the word of God and win daily
In our ever-busy lives it is vital we stay grounded in the word of God. Our wellbeing depends on it. Our individual spiritual progress...
Did Jesus ever feel our pain?
This question is remarkably interesting. It is at the core of the salvation Jesus perfected for the world before the cross, on the cross...
Online Daily Devotionals
The Christian is a product of the word of God. The Christian is born of the word of God. The Word of God is...
Why does God command us to be holy when He knows it is impossible...
The question is a remarkably interesting one because the question assumes man’s inability to be completely Holy. It also subtly hints at God’s integrity...
Being BornAgain101- What Is Righteousness?
Righteousness is one of the three cardinal gifts that we receive as Christians. The others are eternal life and the Holy Spirit. Righteousness is...
Atheist’s five-year-old daughter is on her deathbed and asks, “Will I go to Heaven...
“A man rejects God neither because of intellectual demands nor because of the scarcity of evidence. A man rejects God because of a moral...