Six ways the Christian world view is different from today’s word view (Pt.1)


Christianity is a relationship with the Father, through Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. It is a relationship with the Father that impacts positively on our thoughts, ideology, character, actions, culture, and communication. The Father does not force these on us, we embrace His nature, thoughts, actions, and character because we are born of him and are in a loving relationship with him. In this relationship the lesser is greatly blessed and influenced by the greater. In this relationship the lesser becomes the expression of the greater. The constant fellowship with the Father, the Word and the Spirit creates a righteousness consciousness in a Christian that determine how they see the world – their world view. This world view is a result of being born again, knowing, and doing the word of God. The Christian world view is relevant in our day.  More so because Jesus is coming soon. More so because the world’s world view is a bridge to eternal separation from God.

In very simple terms a world view is how you see the world. It is based on your philosophical, religious, fundamental, emotional, natural, and ethical orientation. We all see the world through a glass – a filter. The color of your glass determine how you see, interpret, and relate with the world around you. Each world view is based on certain ideas the individual hold to be true and use to color their glass. These ideas determine how they see and respond. The question always is how do you know what you are seeing is reality. How do you know that what you hold on to is true?

Christianity calls its adherents to evaluate all things and ONLY hold on to that which is right – based on the word of God. Christianity is not based on blind faith as the uninitiated assume.  For Christians, the word of God is truth. For Christians, the word of God is the standard for measuring truth. For other world views their truth is based on separate standards.

This is not a review of all world views – it will be exhausting, laborious and time wasting to do so. However, your worldview (whatever it is) will either propel you towards Christian principles, actions and culture or the other way. Indeed, there may be instances that in one area of someone’s life their actions are predicated on sound Christian principles and in another area their actions are based on the prevalent world view. Though this is possible, it is not recommended. Christians are unequivocally instructed not to conform to this world, especially its ideas – Romans 12:2.

So now that all that is out of the way, here are some of the world’s viewpoint (not an exhaustive list) and the alternative Christian world view. The objective is not to be critical or judgmental. The objective is to nudge professed and intending Christians towards God’s standard as we briefly compare differences in world view.

  • The World’s definition of leadership: The Bible’s world view is incapsulated in this statement by Jesus.  “But Yeshua called them and said, “You know that among the Goyim, those who are supposed to rule them become tyrants, and their superiors become dictators. 26 Among you, it must not be like that. On the contrary, whoever among you wants to be a leader must become your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave!” Matthew 20:25-27 (CJB)

Notice how he contrasts leadership among the gentiles (Goyim) and leadership among Christians. One lords it over the people, the other serves and in fact becomes a slave to ensuring that the people are sustained, trained, equipped, and organized towards a righteous course. Remarkable! This is clearly in stark contrast to the leadership ethos in the world across all spheres, especially in politics and business.

The world is in dire need of great leaders today. Leaders that are sacrificial, truly empathic, bold and serve the interest of the vast majority of the people they lead. No matter which side of the divide you are, one thing stands out in the world today; the current political leaders are self-serving. It did not start today. It progressively developed over time as people gradually embraced lies instead of truth. Hopefully, genuinely great leaders will someday soon hold the scepter of power.

There are hundreds of popular leadership books that outline the qualities of a great leader – empathic listener, influence, respect, courage, integrity and so on. But do leaders in the world truly follow or possess these qualities? Leave your comments below.

  • The Post Truth World: There is increasingly a lack of standards for what stands for the truth in today’s world. For example, it used to be extremely easy for people to agree on the biological definition of a man or woman. Today this definition is being challenged to the extent that gender has been legislated. While it is the right of anyone to chose how they define their gender, it is not their right to force it on others. Increasingly we see the standard for absolute truth being changed from one generation to another. We now live in a post truth world were what is true for me with abundant evidence might not be true for the next person. Why? Because they are using different standards to measure truth and tend to be relativistic on fundamental issues.

In the Christian world view, Jesus – the Word is the embodiment of truth. He is the true light (John1:9) that shines on any object, ideology, principle, action and thought and reveal its true intent. The word is the true standard for measuring truth. So, the Christian world view on issues like marriage, raising children, human relationship, abortion and so much more is clear though may not be acceptable to everyone. But that is ok. God’s standards do not conform to man’s standards. Importantly also, our Christian faith does not support forcing our world views on individuals either. If someone we know choose to believe something different from us, we can present our position to them in love and be at peace if they choose the alternative.  The freedom of choice is sacrosanct in Christianity.

  • Global Peace: There is an undercurrent ideology that is floating in so called ‘enlightened’ circles around the world. The idea is world peace by means instituted by men. The means of achieving this could be globalization via governmental, economic, religious, technology and whatnot.  They postulated for example that if wealth is distributed evenly, we would all be at peace. Equal opportunity for all they say and suddenly all men will be at peace with each other. It is a beautiful idea but with faulty fundamentals. A very simple one is this. They assume greedy men will suddenly disappear. They assume man’s natural propensity to seek and assume power and authority over another will suddenly disappear.

Notably, it is the gullible in their ranks that make these assumptions. Their leaders do not. They have built their world dominance into these ideas. They plan to be the ones that will be in the drivers seat in such a world. Call it a conspiracy theory but I urge you to look closely at the statistics of COVID-19 pandemic, who profits, who is losing, the suspension of citizen rights in many countries and the draconian legislature being drafted in many countries for example and ask salient questions. Follow the statistics and make your own conclusions. I believe they are pushing these ideas earlier mentioned forward and will increasingly convince many that it is necessary to have things like a global world ID, Vaccination certificates, global security, global economy etc. Those that are against it will be labeled anarchist, intolerant, terrorists, conservative and the latest one – “they don’t believe in science”. But remember science is based on facts not belief. They will elevate science into a religion.

Importantly, Jesus Christ is called the prince of peace. In Christianity, the only person that guarantees world peace and prosperity is Jesus Christ. In his peace, the earth and heavens will be recreated. There will be no lack, sickness, pain, or crime for the root cause of it all will have been dealt with finally. Before this happens, there will be a rapture of all those who believe in him then the globalists will be allowed to evaluate their ideas for a brief period. It will be a terrible time and God will cut it short.  

Question: do you think men can bring world peace? If you do, you have bought a lie. My aim in this article is to nudge you towards doing your own research. Studying what they gather to do at Davos for example. Study the key figures and what they believe as you also study God’s position on global peace.

Are you born again? Are you prepared for the rapture?

To know what it means to be born again, Get the free e-book : Being Born again: Called to Inherit a Blessing


This is the first part of this article.

Book Recommendation

There are book recommendations that will help those that are interested in digging further. Check out our book recommendations: Note that this is not an advertisement for these books. The only book I stand by 100% is the Bible. But these books will help your greater understanding of key concepts share on our website.