What is Salvation?


In Christianity, salvation by the grace of God is both spiritual and physical. As mentioned earlier, the spiritual makes the physical possible—spiritual in the sense that you are transported from the dominion of darkness into God’s kingdom of light with its associated blessings. He brought us out of darkness and put us in His Kingdom of light. Also, we receive a new spirit in Christ. When we receive a new spirit and leave the domain and control of satan to the kingdom of God, we suddenly realize that we find it difficult to lie, cheat or hate. While under the influence of satan, lying was natural but now lying is unnatural to us. The spiritual rebirth changes our character, thought process, language, health, and so many other areas. In salvation, we are saved from spiritual bondage and death—separation from God and brought into a relationship with God. 

This salvation is only in and through Jesus Christ. 

The good news(gospel) of the saving grace in Christ powers salvation—Romans 1:16. The good news of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is God’s inherent power to save from eternal death if we accept it. 

We believe in Jesus with our spirit and become saved immediately (Romans 10:10) through our belief in Him and vocal confessions of His Lordship. 

Our salvation protects us from attacks to the head—Ephesians 6:17. Attacks to our mind and to our authority in Christ are guaranteed to fail as we put on our helmet of salvation. 

Salvation is personal (Philippians 2:12) and not collective. Though all converts have salvation, they cannot exchange their salvation. A mother cannot give her salvation to her child or vice versa. 

Salvation is by the grace of God through faith. It is available to all men, irrespective of nationality, degree of sin, sexual orientation, religion, or language—Titus 2:11, Ephesians 2:8. 

To a sinner, salvation is forgiveness of sin, the gift of righteousness, and fellowship with the Father. Salvation is instant and total. It is evident in our internal spiritual rebirth and external daily acts of faith in the God who saved us. For instance, after being saved, new converts notice they are now conscious of God as their father and desire to live righteously. Students who were academically under-performers notice their understanding capacity has increased, and this leads to tremendous improvements in their academic work as they apply the principles of the Word of God while studying. Others notice boldness, favor, grace, and opportunities in places they never imagined. Personally, if I had not received Christ many years ago, I would have been dead by this time because of my previous lifestyle and choices. 

Culled from Being born-again 101: called to inherit a blessing